In so many ways this collection of poems had to wait until “today”. I have been on a journey for many years to learn myself and how to best use my gift of writing to be in service to others. I started thinking about the impact of events in my childhood and adulthood and how these events shaped my behaviors and choices as an adult. I discovered two words that resonate in my spirit and throughout my poetry: Power and Safety.
We are complex individuals. Relationships are complex and what causes struggle is the lack of power and the absence of safety. There are times when people are so involved in their own experiences and/or trauma they have no idea how their behaviors, conscious or unconscious, permeates the cells of those in their lives. Power exist in love, forgiveness, perseverance, understanding and a willingness to push ourselves beyond our comfort. Safety is a requirement for evolution and a responsibility we have to protect our children and each other from events and people who seek to kill and destroy. Not every place is safe. Not every person is safe.
Each of us possess gifts which ground us in the power of our purpose. We must trust our Creator has a plan and discover what it means to be safe within His love. When we embrace our purpose, our roots grow deep and our branches stretch high as we claim the powers within.
This collection of POWER poems reflects various stages of love, heartbreak, violence, grief, inner struggle, societal injustice, and questions posed during my life. I am on a journey of growth. My growth ingredients include a stronger and deeper relationship with God, self question and reflection, forgiveness, battling fear, being grateful, and celebrating the POWER God gave me when I was too young to understand it, to ill-equipped to see it, and too busy "running" not to embrace it.
Publishing this small collection is within itself powerful. My words have been shared within a wonderful circle but publishing them makes me vulnerable. In writing that sentence, I hear my spirit announce.....Embrace your vulnerability and welcome to your POWER!
The poems in this collection titled Safety speak to the struggle of vulnerability, boundaries, unmet expectations, heartache, faith, questions, unlimited possibilities, and truth. It also speaks to how safety sometimes feels elusive. It is a journey to understand your connection with your Creator. In this connection, when anger, disappointment, doubt and destruction come to stake its claim in our hearts and minds, we are reminded....in our Creator, we are safe. We are safe through trauma, in the midst of saboteurs and supreme confusion. These words empower safety to thrive in survival, success, smart questions, soulful healing and loving our sexy selves no matter the "case" we've been placed in. Safety speaks to the inner voice holding us together to be strong and supreme thus never doubting or disrespecting ourselves and our purpose. In this world, safety can be hard to find and/or embrace. I struggled with safety until an accident forced me to surrender. Surrender to the God who had been trying to get my attention, to heal my grief, comfort my sadness, heal my wounds, and love me on this journey. I am still learning. Still engaging my courage to move on in a world absent those I love. To find and hold true to the love inside of me destined to manifest itself by sharing my gifts and talents. Ultimately, to trust that I am worthy. I am a survivor because His plans are to prosper and not to harm us. As I travel this new path, trust and faith build a pathway titled SAFE!